What We Do

Bit by Bit is a Corvallis, Oregon-based therapeutic riding program serving children and adults in Benton and Linn Counties through custom-tailored riding sessions.

Our programs assist clients with a range of diagnoses including Down Syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury with paralysis, autism, hearing impairment, ADHD, general anxiety disorder and depression. We also serve several bereavement clients.

Our therapy horses lift up their riders, giving them a new and different view of the world around them. Therapeutic riding assists clients through the rhythmic movement of the horse. Research has shown that the movement of the horse moves the rider’s body in a manner similar to a human gait, often improving flexibility, balance and muscle strength in riders with physical disabilities.

Therapeutic riding also allows riders with an opportunity to enjoy physical exercise and outdoor activity.

The consistent, non-judgmental nature of our horses provides our riders a unique opportunity for companionship and support. Because of their kind and steady behavior, our riders can count on a safe and assuring relationship.

All our clients benefit from their relationships with our trained staff and volunteers, who create a caring and inclusive environment.

Clients are referred to us by Linn Benton Early Intervention, Benton County’s Development Disabilities Program and by teachers from the Benton County School District. We also can be found on Facebook and Instagram.

Please come see us. We welcome new riders to meet with the horses for a free 15-minute meet and greet. A regular session is $40 for 30 minutes.

Please download our client forms before your first visit.

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.

Winston Churchill